Helps to maintain electrolyte balance.
Magnesium (Mg) is a very important mineral with a multitude of roles in the human body including the brain. As an important electrolyte, magnesium plays an essential role in nerve transmission and neuromuscular conduction. It also assures the electrolyte balance in the brain (1, 6).
Magnesium Threonate is one form of magnesium that can cross blood-brain barrier in a significantly larger proportion compared with other forms. Magnesium Threonate elevated the levels of brain magnesium in both young and aged rats (2).
Magnesium works better when associated with certain dosages of vitamin C and D (3, 4).
Considerable evidence exists suggesting that glutamic acid plays a significant role in brain health. (5)
A useful association is with Provita Gotu Kola, the best Medhya Rasayana (brain nootropic), which can enhance cognition, memory, intelligence, creativity, learning skills and executive functions. It is traditionally used in Ayurveda as Medhya and Smrtiprada (to improve memory, concentration, intellect and cognition)(7), (8).
Each capsule of Provita's Magnesium Threonate provides a high dose of 50 mg elemental magnesium derived from Threonic acid Magnesium salt and is formulated synergistically based on current scientific evidence.