I really don’t appreciate how this vitamin store doesn’t answer their phone. Every time I buy a product, I have to drive there to see if it’s in stock. There have been times when I’ve driven all the way there just to find out the product isn’t in stock, when I could have asked this over the phone and not wasted so much time. It’s a little inconsiderate to customers, considering it’s not uncommon for products to be out of stock, and it’s sometimes hard to find these products in other stores. I as a customer would really appreciate having the customer service representatives answer the phones during business hours. I will definitely start buying the vitamins I purchase here elsewhere if I can find them in other stores, since I can never check if they’re available before I go. I’ve considered buying them online now that the Canada Post strike is over, but would still continue to buy them at this location if the company changes, to permit phone calls to their store during business hours.