R64 | Albuminuria
Albuminuria, proteinuria; nephrosis; chronic nephritis; nephrosclerosis; chronic or late stage acute inflammation of the urogenital system.
Mode of action
Helonias dioica: Acts upon the female genitourinary system, causing uterine and renal congestion; aching and tenderness of the kidneys; involuntary discharge of urine; profuse, albuminous urine; exhaustion.
Kali arsenicosum: Chronic nephrotic syndrome; intense fear of heart disease.
Phosphorus: Damage to the renal parenchyma causing albuminuria; nephrosis; urine analysis reveals protein, blood, and cylindrical casts.
Plumbum metallicum: Retention of urine due to paralysis of the bladder; proteinuria with renal hypertrophy.
Solidago virgaurea: Chronic nephritis; nephrolithiasis; dysuria; albuminuria - urine is dark, bloody, and has an offensive odour.
Remedies to be considered
- Acute and chronic nephritis: R1, BC-10
- Recurring kidney complaints: R1 alternately
- Cystopyelitis: R18, R1, BC-10
- Prostatic adenomas causing cystitis: R25
- Renal calculi: R27, R1
- Hypertension: BIO 85, R185
Clinical experience
- After treatment, consider drainage therapy with R18.
- Typically prescribed as a chronic remedy.